
Weather.NET's official website, where you can find the documentation for this library.

Project maintained by EloyEspinosa Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


This class provides extension methods for WeatherClient that get the air pollution of a given location.


WeatherClient.GetCurrentAirPollution(latitude, longitude): Gets the current air pollution of a given location.

WeatherClient.GetForecastAirPollution(latitude, longitude): Gets a forecast of the air pollution of a given location.

WeatherClient.GetHistoricalAirPollution(latitude, longitude, startUnix, endUnix): Gets a historical record of the air pollution of a given location.

WeatherClient.GetCurrentAirPollutionAsync(latitude, longitude): Gets the current air pollution of a given location asynchronously.

WeatherClient.GetForecastAirPollutionAsync(latitude, longitude): Gets a forecast of the air pollution of a given location asynchronously.

WeatherClient.GetHistoricalAirPollutionAsync(latitude, longitude, startUnix, endUnix): Gets a historical record of the air pollution of a given location asynchronously.
